Thursday, November 27, 2008


Hi all, this is a short message to welcome you to the code reef blog. This blog will hopefully grow from my musings and comments on the developing of software, the software user, and everything in between.

Why "the code reef"? though I am not a diver, I find the allusion to be an imagination inspiring one. I am reminded of nature shows I watched as a youngster. Shows where divers would swim through reefs around the world and show us the beautiful schools of fish that inhabited the reef, the complex ecosystem of living creatures, some cohabiting peacefully or symbiotically, others preying on those lower in the food chain. Many potentially fatal dangers lurk hidden in these reefs as well.

I am also reminded that the the ecosystem of a reef is a fragile one, easily unbalance and destroyed by external factors. Pollution, natural disasters, violent weather patterns, and sometime a simple imbalance in the natural order of things can all contribute to the unfortunate end to the beauty and promise that once was.

In short, I find the comparison fitting - much of what I have said about the ecosystem of reefs, could also be used to describe the industry in which I work, the projects I have been involved in, and the teams and technologies I have worked with.

I love software development most of the time, I hate it others, but I can safely say that I learn something new every day. Hopefully some of the more interesting morsels will find their way into these posts.

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